Is God Green? Is Sustainability the next religion?

As you read this article, I will be in the process of embarking on a religious pilgrimage in northern Spain.  Although I have not been particularly religious in the past, family health issues, my obsession with water conservation and my recent research into frequencies has led me to more questions than answers.  Thus, it was with divine timing that I was made aware of the new book ‘Dark Green Religion: Nature Spirituality and the Planetary Future’ by Bron Raymond Taylor.  As I wait for the delivery of this book (available only on line) I’ve been scouting the reviews:

Taylor ‘clarifies a belief system which many people adhere to, and in doing so provides an ethical framework for making decisions, especially about the environment and about our relationship to it.’  Dark green religion is defined as ‘the belief that nature is sacred, has intrinsic value, and deserves reverent care.’  ‘DGR may be a new phrase, but Taylor shows that it is an ancient force that has been rumbling in the depths of human consciousness for centuries.’  ‘The real possibility of DGR becoming a dominant force of world change is considered in the book’s final pages.’

When I return from my pilgrimage, I will write my own review of this book. Who knows, when I return, I may still be a regular ‘tree hugger’, but I will certainly be an ‘enlightened’ one.